Saturday, October 18, 2008

Organized vote theft

NY Post Editorial:

Now they're making a federal case out of ACORN.

After weeks of reports of wide spread fraud, the FBI has opened an investigation into the far-left "community organizer" group's nationwide voter-registration campaign.

Talk about bolting the barn after the horses are out. It's extremely unlikely that anything significant will come of it before Election Day.

Still, the fact that the Justice Department has gotten involved signifies an appreciation that what ACORN has tried to portray as the inevitably haphazard efforts of local organizers is more likely a nationwide, coordinated voter-registration scam.

Frankly, it seems to be far too widespread to be anything but that.

More than a dozen states are looking into the registration efforts of the pro-Obama organization - and hundreds of thousands of suspicious or outright fraudulent voter sign-ups have been unearthed.

This, at a time when the radical ACORN reportedly has finally decided to jettison its founder, after the fact that his brother embezzled $1 million from the group (which then tried to cover up the fact) came to light.

Unfortunately, not all the news about ACORN is encouraging.

In Ohio, where state election officials have called in local prosecutors to look into evidence of pervasive fraud in connection with the group, efforts to make it easier to challenge suspicious registrations yesterday were dealt a serious setback.

The US Supreme Court overturned a 10-6 ruling by the 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals that ordered Ohio's Democratic secretary of state to provide county officials with the names of new registrants who did not match government databases.

Reports indicated that as many as 200,000 of the 660,000 voters registered this year, largely by ACORN, were suspicious.


Meanwhile the Obama campaign is trying to thwart the investigation by calling for a special prosecutor.

In his letter, Mr. Bauer wrote:

I request that Special Prosecutor Dannehy’s inquiry include a review of any involvement by Justice Department and White House officials in supporting the McCain-Palin campaign and the Republican National Committee (“RNC”)’s systematic development and dissemination of unsupported, spurious allegations of vote fraud. It is highly likely that the very sort of politically motivated conduct identified in the Department’s investigation to date, necessitating the appointment of a Special Prosecutor, is repeating itself, and for the same reason: unwarranted and politically motivated intervention in the upcoming election. An investigation must be entrusted to government officials who do not have an improper political motivation or a conflict of interest, either in fact or appearance.

Privately law enforcement officials have said that the F.B.I. inquiries in several states into the fraudulent voter registration cards did not amount to a national investigation. Just today, another lawsuit was filed in Pennsylvania.

A spokesman for the McCain campaign, Ben Porritt, responded to the Obama team’s letter by saying that it represented an attempt to “criminalize political discourse.”

“Today’s outrageous letter to Attorney General Mukasey and Special Prosecutor Dannehy at the Justice Department asking for a special prosecutor to investigate Senator McCain and Governor Palin’s public statements about ACORN’s record of fraudulent voter registrations (including in this week’s Presidential debate) is absurd,” Mr. Porritt said in a statment. “It is a typical time-worn Washington attempt to criminalize political differences.”
The Obama campaign is not lacking in the audacity of hoping they can get away with this scam. The letter is another example of the Chicago Way of intimidation in the face of challenge. It is a foretaste of the thugocracy we can expect from an Obama administration.

I think we can say that Obama has finally introduced his own distraction into the campaign with this ridiculous request for a special prosecutor. He is trying to distract from the real issues of voter fraud and his friends who are alleged to be the perps.

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