Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bottomless Credibility Pit

I remember when Andy McCarthy was just a garden-variety hack, making sudden conversions to farcical constitutional arguments that happen to favor Republican interests (note: his analysis of the unconstitutionality of filibustering judicial appointments expires in January 2009.)   But impending electoral oblivion has apparently removed any remaining mental faculties, causing him to become a crackpot Obama birth certificate truther  (hey, if you don't spend most of your resources defending against ludicrously frivolous lawsuits filed by people who are to 9/11 what you are to Obama, their claims must be true!), claim that Bill Ayers wrote Obama's biography,  and to unthinkingly endorse claims about black Obama supporters assaulting McCain supporters so implausible even Michelle Malkin won't touch them.   What a shame it is to lose one's mind, such as it was.   

Alas, this is going to get worse before it gets better; I expect his cover story about how Obama was behind the killing of Vince Foster and the Arkansas drug trade no later than March.     And he should take over editorship of the Wall Street Journal op-ed page no later than June...

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