Saturday, October 25, 2008

McCain has 10 point lead in Texas

Rasmussen Reports:

John McCain is moving ahead in Texas, where he now tops Barack Obama by 10 points, 54% to 44%, in the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state (see crosstabs).

For the four previous months, McCain has led by nine. His new 54% showing is also his highest ever since polling on the race in Texas began in the spring. Forty-four percent (44%) is also Obama’s best showing to date.

Now just one percent (1%) of Texas voters say they are undecided.


Incumbent Republican John Cornyn remains well ahead of his Democratic opponent in Texas’ race for the U.S. Senate.


Forty-three percent (43%) say the economy is the important issue in the election, and Texas voters trust McCain more than Obama on this issue by 15 points. Forty-five percent (45%) also disagree with Obama’s belief that it’s good for everybody when the government spreads wealth around, but 42% agree with the Democratic candidate.

For 25%, national security is the number one issue, and here, too, Texas voters trust McCain more, 60% to 38%.


Eighty-eight percent (88%) say would-be voters should be required to show photo identification before being allowed to vote. Just nine percent (9%) disagree.


If the rest of the country was as smart as Texas they would have a strong economy and vote against Democrats. Cornyn has opened a comfortable 15 point lead over Noriega in the Senate race. The Houston Chronicle editorial board having lost its collective minds threw its underwhelming support behind Obama and Noriega. Since most voters are smarter than that, the advice was generally ignored.

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