Saturday, October 25, 2008

Calling all stay-at-home Moms--your input is needed for the new Mojo Mom

I am blown away by the responses I received from employed Moms after I asked for their input for the new edition of my book. Dozens of Mojo Mom readers wrote me to share their stories. Thank you! Your thoughtful, articulate, honest responses are helping me write a better book. And, on a personal level, it was gratifying to connect this way with my readers, as though my book was talking back to me. I really appreciated hearing your voices.

I feel confident that my book already contains a lot of information for stay-at-home Moms, but your enthusiastic reader response has encouraged me to pose a similar set of questions Mojo Moms who are currently not participating in the paid workforce, so that I can round out a balanced selection of up-to-date personal stories and tips.

We all face many similar challenges, and I am fully aware that being "at work" or "at home" is not necessarily a one-way street. But it is helpful for me to gather information from many different life paths to share in the new Mojo Mom, as well as my blog and possible follow-up articles to support the new book.

Please email your responses directly to me, The deadline for me to consider input is October 17, but sooner is better!

Please be brief but as specific as possible in your responses.

Please tell me your name:
Job titles you have had:
Number of kids, gender, and ages:
Phone number for follow up, if necessary:

One theme of Mojo Mom is sharing information you wished you had, but didn't know ahead of time. Is there any "If only I had known...." wisdom you'd like to share with other Moms?

What are the biggest challenges of being at home?

What are the most significant benefits?

What kinds of support are key to "making it all happen"?

Is there support you don't get that would be extremely helpful?

Do you have plans to rejoin the paid workforce? If so, please describe. What would motivate you most strongly to look for a paid job? Do you perceive any barriers to returning to work, and if so, what would help you overcome them?

Did you experience an identity crisis after becoming a Mom? What did it feel like for you?

What is the most important thing you do for yourself? In other words, what aspect of self-care is so important that you make it a top priority?

Is there anything else you want to share with other women going through the transitions of motherhood?

Thank you so much for your input. I will email you to verify your quote if it's included in the book.

P. S. The employed Moms questionnaire is still active as well, so I am welcoming responses from all Moms.

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