Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mexico to cut off Cuban escape route from free health care


Cuba's foreign minister has said Mexico has agreed to return Cuban migrants who arrive there without legal documents.

Felipe Perez Roque said the accord would help prevent people-trafficking, and provide for the return of illegal Cuban migrants trying to reach the US.

The agreement is expected to be signed on Monday in the capital, Mexico City.

The move would restrict the main exit route for Cubans aiming for the US, as many travel to Mexico first rather than trying to cross the Straits of Florida.

Correspondents say most evade immigration officials, and that the few who are caught are rarely deported. In most cases, they are given transit permits allowing them to reach the US border, they say.


It is amazing how unappealing national health care is if you have to live in Cuba to get it. This will also cut down on the stolen boat business in Florida that is used to take these Cubans to Isla Mujaris near Cancun. I had friends who used to race sailboats from Galveston to Isla Mujaris but that is too boring a ride for me as well as too many days without a shower and sound sleeping.

This route is a result of the wet feet dry feet rule that the Coast Guard enforces against fleeing Cubans By getting the Mexico that cam come up to Texas where they turn themselves in as refugees.

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