Thursday, October 2, 2008

Four sideways thoughts on the Bail-out (guaranteed to provoke somebody)

1. So if the lack of a bail-out results in a national or even global recession/depression that causes people to go bankrupt and poor and businesses to fail, won't the resulting reduction in the use of fossil fuels have a positive effect on climate change scenarios?

2. If the stock market tumbles, the real estate market collapses, and T-bills continue to be worthless, won't that be a just reward to China, which will then end up holding 500 billion to a trillion bucks of useless paper?

3. Imagine just how bad the chaos would be if legislators always demanded the right to read legislation before they passed it?

4. If my home still provides shelter for my family, and if I intend to still be living there a decade from now, what difference does it really make to me what the market says it's worth?

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