Sunday, January 4, 2009

Book Challenges for 2009

Signing up for a book challenge is like a New Year's Resolution you make for your reading in the year ahead.

KittyCat left a link to the very interesting ReadABookAMonth challenge for Malaysian readers on her blog (where you can get all the details and get the code for a sidebar button if you have a blog of your own). It doesn't involve a huge commitment - you sign up to read just 12 books with your child over the year, and leave a comment about each one, either on your own blog or on hers. It's a lovely way to share reading with someone you love.

Since I don't have a kid to read with, I've gone for another challenge that I am pretty sure I can complete, as it would have been on my agenda anyway The Themed Reading Challenge.

If neither of these is to your taste, Ms Bookish has a whole list of reading challenges! And of course, you can do more than one at a time. (I hope to make serious inroads into my TBR pile again this year! But then I remember thinking that last year, and the year before, and the year ...)

Maybe I should add a couple more reading challenges of my own to my list - I plan to read a collection of short stories and at least a couple of books by local writers each month in 2009.

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