Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Bay Area Likes Diversity? Lies!

When someone from San Francisco says they love multiculturalism, what they really mean is that they are thankful they were not victims of crime the last time they went to a gay dance bar. Multiculturalism in the Bay Area = fashionably tolerating (Will-and-Grace style) gay people and liking cheap labor by illegals. That's it. None of their professed "liberal attitudes" cross over into their lifestyles -- they don't practice what they preach.

Now my suspicions have been confirmed by the federal government:

Influx of black renters raises tension in Bay Area

"One of the goals of the programs is to de-concentrate poverty," Villarreal said. "There are just some people who don't want to spend public money that way."

Funny how leftists are all about equality until it comes to giving "the poor" housing on the public dime in their neighborhood. Filthy hypocrites.

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