Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Palin plan

a href=""Washington Times:/abr /br /blockquotep Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, possibly the hottest property ailing Republicans can claim at this moment, on Sunday steps down from office in search of - well, that's the question. /ppWill the one-time vice presidential candidate who sparked a brief uptick for the GOP ticket ultimately defeated by Barack Obama become a Rush Limbaugh-like idol for Sarah-heads in cyberland? Campaigner/ fundraiser-in-chief for the fatigued GOP? The voice and face of the pro-life movement? A presidential contender in 2012? All of the above? /ppWith polls showing that 70 percent of Republicans give her a thumbs-up, legions of experienced Republican politicians and conservative leaders are eager to offer Mrs. Palin their best advice - even if in some case it carries a bit of a sting. /ppFormer House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a possible competitor for the Republican nomination in 2012, says Mrs. Palin should cobble together and trumpet a series of issues and grow her network of supporters. /ppMr. Gingrich said she should "become a national leader on the energy issue, where she has real expertise as an Alaskan." He recommends she "campaign wherever asked for Republican candidates," "speak to conservative groups" and "become a leading right-to-life activist." /pp Mr. Gingrich said that agenda will make her "a formidable contender in 2012." /pp Maybe. /pp She still will have to overcome the stigma of quitting Alaska's highest office more than a year before her term ends. /ppPlagued by endless and - as even some Democrats admit - mostly frivolous ethics complaints filed by Democrats and even some Republicans, Mrs. Palin says she is leaving office to pursue her future unleashed from the sticky tentacles of Alaska's rules. /ppEarlier this month, Mrs. Palin told The Washington Times she will get right back into the fray and campaign for Republicans - as well as Democrats and independents- who share her values. No prominent Democrat so far has piped up and sought her // //p/blockquoteIt really does not matter if not Democrat accepts her offer. By making it she defuses one of their claims that she is a divisive partisan. Their response actually makes her point that Democrats are the hyper partisans in this /br /I think Newt's idea would be the conventional approach for her to pursue the nomination. If she chooses to go that rout there will be many willing to help her succeed. My guess is there are some on the McCain team who will gladly do /br /She also would do well to avoid hostile hosts. She does not need to let them use her to promote their agenda.div class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src=''//div

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