Friday, July 31, 2009

Gaza goes Taliban

a href=""Stephanie Gutmann:/abr /br /blockquotepFreed from scrutiny by the EU and US focus on whether Israelis add extensions to their homes in Jerusalem, Hamas continues the quiet work of turning the Gaza strip into a Taliban-style Islamic state. A few days ago came the news that the Gaza Strip’s most senior judge “a href=";cid=1248277891424"has ordered all female lawyers to wear headscarves /aand a long, dark colored cloak under their black robes when they appear in court beginning September.”/p pThis is part of a general crackdown on female professionals — or maybe it’s just females. It follows the news several weeks ago, reported by Khaled Abu Toameh of the Jerusalem Post, that a href=";pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull"Hamas policemen attempted to arrest a female Palestinian journalist/a “under the pretext that she came to a Gaza beach dressed immodestly and was seen laughing in public.”/ //p/blockquoteThese are very scared men who fear their hormones cannot be controlled unless they control what women wear. Also see the post below where a 27 year old woman was murdered by her father for having a cell phone. It is hard to imagine civilized people treating women so horribly in the name of a religion. The sickness of the culture is becoming more obvious is people would stop turning their heads.div class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src=''//div

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