Friday, September 19, 2008

Resources for Graduate Students

Paul Harvey

After a couple of smart-alecky entries from me, recess is over, time to get back to business. We seem to have a lot of graduate student readers of this blog, judging from my correspondence, so I thought I would feature this site, which is a compendium from the AHA of resources for graduate students (note to self: get this up on blogroll). Also, for those going on the ever-shape-shifting job market, make sure you check out Tenured Radical's posts on the cover letter, the preliminary interview, and all the wondrous joys of academic job-hunting (by the end of which you may be singing "when I survey the wondrous cross"). Having spent 6 years doing said job-hunting, feel free to consult with me for advice on mistake-avoidance -- I made all of them, so can speak from experience along the "what not to do" line. Like, for example, the day before your AHA conference interviews, don't get laringytis and then gurgle a shot or two (maybe more, I can't remember) of Wild Turkey to try to "clear up" your throat. Bad idea -- really, I'm not kidding. And yes, that applies at the AAR, the MLA, the ASA, the AAA, and all the other A's. Just don't do it; I mean it.

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