Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blogging withdrawal

Twenty-four hours or slightly more since my last post....

A visit to Dr David Bell, the renowned Adolescent Chronic Fatigue specialists, which was awe-inspiring and comforting in more ways that you can imagine (I'll blog about it tonight)....

Eight hours of driving, arriving home around midnight (I'm not as young and capable of shrugging it off as I used to be)....

Ron Paul endorses Chuck Baldwin, not Bob Barr....

The White House announces an imminent threat to America, asks Congress for hundreds of billions of dollars and a free hand to invade Iraq--no, wait, Dubya just wants to nationalize the entire mortgage banking system without any oversight--well, of course we'll pay attention to him when he says we don't have time to think or debate--just act stupidly now and depend on a surge in two or three years to get us out of trouble....

Oh, and the legislative death of free speech in America is proposed by Tom Tancredo (who has a full-scale spin machine out there to defend it)....

I'm back. That and more in the next 24-48 hours.

Plus about 12 hours of well-earned unconsciousness.

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