Tuesday, September 30, 2008

7 mil later, my own domain

It's www.rockybru.com.my now. Thank you for the 7 million. Incidentally, I've decided to accept an offer yesterday to migrate from blogspot to a domain of my own. It's a dotmy, too! Other than that, it will be the same brand of blogging and journalism you'll get from the Bru. Talk is rife that several more bloggers may soon be sent for short holidays, like the one that Sheih Kickdefella just came back from.
We need to do is keep the conversation going. I don't know of any other way to respond to attempts to intimidate the bloggers. If we stop blogging and you stop thinking aloud, we lose. Simple as that.

p.s. An anti-ISA forum will be held tonight (23/9) at 8 pm at the KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Kuala Lumpur. Details h e r e.
To date, 64 individuals, including blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, are still being detained without trial under the ISA (read here).

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