From an article entitled, "The Crash of Western Capitalist Civilzation":
So today, we Americans, denizens of the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” victors in two world wars, bearers of “democracy” to Afghanistan and Iraq, allies of the brave Israelis who hold high the banner of Judeo-Christian values among the ungrateful Palestinians—well, we Americans owe our own bankers almost $70 trillion at most recent count. With the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, we owe holders of bad housing loans, including the governments of China, Korea, and Japan, another few trillion.
The bluster of Kissinger, Brzezinski, the Kristols, the Christian fundamentalists, and their paid-off politicians and media millionaires notwithstanding, America—indeed, the entire West—has been found out, perhaps even checkmated on the world stage.
How true. All of our country's foreign-interventionism is now our burden through our government thanks to the Federal Reserve, the IRS and its income tax, and a self-serving political elite. Non-interventionist politicians, like Ron Paul, have warned us of the economic consequences of our foreign policy -- much to the dismay of groups such as the Israel-firsters[1] and the military-industrial complex.
The marketplace of ideas has, in the US, traditionally been controlled by the mainstream press. Thus, principles of freedom and sound fiscal conservatism have been drowned out by the chatter of lobbyists. Columbia University is no exception when it comes to the restricted flow of information. When Bollinger dedicated fifteen minutes to re-iterating the talking points of self-serving neo-conservatives before introducing the president of Iran, I was certain that our University's leadership was beholden to the political interests of those who control the media. Another example is when Pakistan's representative to the UN appeared on campus and gave a speech spewing nothing but the talking points of the then Anglo-American imperialist sponsored Musharraf. Or, more recently, the presentation by ServiceNation only exposed the student body to the nationalist rhetoric of an organization sponsored by the likes of Time Magazine and Target.
Ultimately, the current American media culture of deception can't last. It's just a matter of time. The critical question is how soon Americans come to their senses and embrace the principles of the founding fathers versus the talking points of the poliical elite. One way or the other, we will be subject to a financial reality that will be our undoing.
[1] This term is used to describe lobbies and people (dual-citizenship holders with positions of power) who prioritize the interests of Israel over the interests of the US and is not meant as a derogatory term.
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