Friday, September 19, 2008

Boo Fucking Hoo.


Classy as Ever [Yuval Levin]
The Obama campaign has launched what is easily the most vile and deeply dishonest attack ad of this campaign year. Even if the McCain “kindergarten” ad had been baseless and false (which it was not) it would not come close to this. It’s a Spanish language ad that accuses McCain of racism and duplicity, and that twists two quotations from Rush Limbaugh to try to paint McCain and Republicans generally as hateful bigots. How could they claim McCain is anti-immigrant? What sense does it make to tie McCain to Rush Limbaugh (even if their quotes from Limbaugh weren’t utter distortions)?

Yuval Levin is an idiot and doesn't realize, or doesn't care, that Limbaugh is a racist buffoon and that not everyone wants to have Rush's baby.

So the answer, obviously, is "a lot."

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