Friday, December 26, 2008

Schwarzenegger Orders Unpaid Leave for State Workers

Beautiful. Arnold is a RINO. I hope the CA republicans somehow find a way to break the back of all of those disgusting California unions and that the state does go into a minimalist mode.

California is not the golden state; rather, it's the group-rights-and-hand-outs state. The democratic party has no cohesive platform at all, other than "tax the rich" and "pander to [unions/ethnic group]". La Raza has more sway than the principles of the American founding fathers in California.

I'm often accused of not being compassionate on this blog. Let's be clear: compassion is not expressing faux-concern for the underprivileged, the poor, or the stupid. Compassion is acknowledging that the underprivileged, the poor, and the stupid should be free from coercion and given more opportunities from a vibrant, functional free-market economy. That having been said, I will take pleasure in watching the California government collapse and go into a death spiral. It can only get better after the state hits rock bottom.

In American politics, the stupid have been shielded from the consequences of their actions through government's access to credit. At some point, fiscal irresponsibility and political pandering will dole out consequences. It's these consequences that -should- reform the thought processes of the underprivileged, the poor, and the stupid.

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