Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Great Moments In Threads.

Yglesias writes some innocuous snark about how "[t]he fact that the weather has swung rapidly from unseasonably warm to incredibly cold conclusively debunks concerns about man-made climate change."

Commenters, clearly still pissed about being coddled by The Worst PR Flack in America, totally ignore MY's warnings ("OK guys, enough.") and fillet the youngster.

  1. hadit Says:

    Now we know Jennifer Palmieri’s views on the weather. Also Third Way’s official opinions.

    Just remember, Matt Yglesias is no longer writing on this blog. It’s been hijacked by Palmieri, CEO of Center for American Progress. Sad, that.

    This is really sad.

  2. Adam Says:

    This deep thought is officially approved by Jennifer and represents the views of CAP.

  3. nolaboyd Says:

    Matt, is the perfect spelling and grammar meant as a dog whistle to your regular readers?

  4. snark shark Says:

    At this point, titling a post “Deep Thought” is obviously just throwing chum in the water.

Etc. Palmieri, forgetting the second rule of PR -- "first do no harm" -- does harm.

I don't see this being resolved any time soon.

...Oh dear. This is brutal.

  1. nolaboyd Says:

    Good lord, Matt, Palmieri currently has your balls sitting in a jar on her desk. Readers are quite rightly concerned about if and when you plan to retrieve them, because an emasculated blog is a horrible thing.

    I think perhaps you’re not embarrassed enough about this yet, and also not protective enough of the Yglesias brand, which actually has more currency than CAP’s.


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