a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/08/01/AR2009080101839.html?hpid=topnews"Washington Post:/abr /br /blockquotep It was the middle of a steamy summer night, and the frame house in Cleveland Park was quiet, dark and, for Bill Adler, way too hot. /p pHe tottered over to the thermostat and there it was: treachery. Despite a long-fought household compromise standard of 74 degrees, someone -- Adler's suspicions instantly centered on his wife -- had nudged the temperature up to 78. /p pFor the sleepy freelance writer, it was time to set things right . . . right at 65 degrees. "I just kept pushing that down arrow," he said of his midnight retaliation. "It was a defensive maneuver." /p pLet the thermostat wars resume. With the belated arrival of Washington's signature summer brew of brick-oven heat and steam-room humidity has come the return of the region's first law of domestic thermodynamics: When one spouse wants to jack up the A/C, the other wants to turn it down. Mild-mannered helpmeets in March and April become ferocious defenders of the dial in July and August. /p pResearchers who study sex differences agree that when it comes to temperature, it seems women are from Venus and men are from Planet Freon. /p p"This is a real phenomenon," said Kathryn Sandberg, director of the Georgetown University Center for the Study of Sex Differences in Health, Aging and Disease. "We have lots of data showing that women generally are far more sensitive to feelings of cold." /p pStudies among several species of mammals have shown the same results. Given a choice between two chambers on either side of their comfort range, males prefer one that is "too cold" and females one that is "too hot." And military research has shown women to be more susceptible to frostbite, hypothermia, Renault's disease and other cold-related conditions.br //pp...br //p/blockquoteThis is definitely not my experience. In fact, women who are going through menopause usually try to turn the temperature down to make up for the hot flashes. One of my running jokes is that global warming is caused by all those baby boomer women going through menopause at the same time. It is a good thing I like hot women despite the thermostat problems.div class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/5051247-4899138143984734984?l=prairiepundit.blogspot.com'//div
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