Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rejecting Reid in Nevada

a href=""Las Vegas Review-Journal:/abr /br /blockquotespan class="story_main_body_font "div class="story_body_intro" pRepublican Sue Lowden would defeat incumbent Democratic Sen. Harry Reid by 6 percentage points in a head-to-head matchup, according to a poll of likely Nevada voters./p pUnfortunately for Reid-bashers, Lowden isn't running -- at least not yet./ppspan class="story_main_body_font "pOn Monday, Lowden supporters, including political strategist Robert Uithoven, disclosed the results of a poll commissioned as part of an effort to persuade the Nevada Republican Party chairwoman to run, especially if Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nev., decides not to challenge Reid./p pThe poll by Denver-based Vitale amp; Associates was conducted July 29-30 and showed that 48 percent of respondents favored Lowden to 42 percent for Reid. Ten percent were undecided. The margin of error was plus or minus 4.4 percentage points./p pOf the 510 poll respondents, 44 percent identified themselves as Democrats, 38 percent as Republicans, 15 percent as independent or non-partisan, and 3 percent declined to state an affiliation./p pThe findings reaffirm the notion that Reid is in trouble in his home state, despite expectations that he will raise as much as $25 million to maintain his grip on the seat, said those behind the poll./pp.../ppspan class="story_main_body_font "pIn three Reid-related categories -- image, approval and whether they would vote to re-elect -- respondents gave the senator a thumbs down. Just 39 percent viewed Reid favorably, and 34 percent said they would vote to re-elect him./p p"All of those are very, very telling pieces of information," said Vitale, who has been a pollster for 15 years. "I've never seen an incumbent with numbers this bad who hadn't had some scandal."/p pUithoven said the fact Reid would need to raise $25 million to hold the seat in a state where he is a familiar presence is evidence of political vulnerability, not strength./p pHe also said Reid's position of majority leader makes it easier for opponents to paint him as a career politician who is out of touch with Nevadans./ //p/span/p/span/p /div/span/blockquoteIt is also easier to paint him as a liberal Democrat and that is not a plus many places. The GOP needs to select a candidate and get behind them in this very winnable race.div class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src=''//div

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