a href="http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20090801/OPINION10/908010313/1111/The-U.S.-foolishly-bans-cell-phone-jammers-for-cars"Herbert Harrington of Wilmington/a wants to make us all safe by having automobiles equipped with cell phone jammers:br /br /blockquotespan style="font-style:italic;"A letter to the editor last Saturday had a great idea of installing cell phone jamming devices in autos when they are being driven, suggesting that this technology be developed.br /br /The devices are available right now on the Internet. The only problem: They are illegal to own in the United States. Is this a great country or what?br /br /All around us on Interstate 95, nitwits are having animated phone conversations, or texting (which is cell phoning on crack), and we can't protect ourselves.br /br /Cell phone jammers have an effective cone of protection of about 30 meters, and their use for individuals trying to protect themselves should be immediately made legal./span/blockquotebr /br /Yep. This makes perfect sense. My son is having an asthma attack in the back seat of our car. We are racing to the hospital. My wife, in the passenger seat, is attempting to call 911 and get better medical instructions or at least have the ER personnel alerted that we are coming in.br /br /Technological gizmos do not resolve all safety issues because--Herbert, you twit--they are incapable of making judgments.br /br /But I am sure that he will someday find political support for eliminating all ability of anybody--passengers or drivers--from having access to cell phones in any vehicle.br /br /Oh, wait, a href="http://www.slate.com/blogs/blogs/humannature/archive/2009/05/11/zero-tolerance-for-cell-phones.aspx"some progressives already have/a.div class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/7893272060787897238-3076684278022842947?l=delawarelibertarian.blogspot.com'//div
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