Monday, August 10, 2009

Bookxcess Turns 2

a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href=""img style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 400px; height: 282px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5365881996951285586" border="0" //abr /Sunday is the day to visit Amcorp Mall - a href=""the flea market is tremendous fun/a and provides a great excuse to visit a href=""BookXcess/a to buy a guilt free pile of books. br /br /The shop boasts 100,000 titles ranging from fiction to children to self-help to business and prices are about 50-70% lowers than regular bookstores so the store's slogan span style="font-style: italic;"Read More for Less!/span is entirely /br /Now the remaindered bookshop is celebrating its second anniversary this coming Sunday: 20 titles priced are going for only RM2 each, others are included in a Buy 2, Get 1 Free, and if you spend RM200 nett in a single receipt, you will be entitled to a RM20 cash voucher. BookXcess’s director Andrew Yap says :br /span style="font-style: italic;"/spanblockquotespan style="font-style: italic;"We hope our anniversary promotions would entice the general public to pick up more books as we want people to shed their wariness to read the pages of a book. /span/blockquoteBookXcess has also a href=""launched its own book blog/a in conjunction with the celebrations with book-related news, book reviews by staff and invited guests, promotions, contests, freebies and more. You can also become a fan of a href=""BookXcess on span style="font-style: italic;"Facebook/span/ /br /I was there on Sunday with friends Rob and Elaine, and managed to pick up a good haul including Ian Rankin's short story collection span style="font-style: italic;"A Good Hanging/span, Oliver Sacks span style="font-style: italic;"Musicophilia/span : span style="font-style: italic;"Tales of Music and The Brain/span, J.M. Ledgard's highly acclaimed first novel span style="font-style: italic;"Giraffe/span, and the first (huge!) volume of span style="font-style: italic;"Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula/span. It was also good to bump into other book-loving friends who haunt the place on Sunday ...div class="blogger-post-footer"img width='1' height='1' src=''//div

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