Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Liberals at Columbia

I love my classes at Columbia, mostly because they are all math classes. There's little to no room for delusion in math classes, but still plenty of room for creativity. Except for the occasional dull lecturer, I feel like math is "the way it should be" at Columbia. I rate it a B+ experience over all.

Despite being locked into mostly math, I occasionally do talk to people who major in classic literature, "women's rights", or something else equally useless. Typically, they have ideas that could only have been formed within the framework of a delusional cocoon crafted by wealthy parents who're probably benefiting from some kind of government-sanctioned corporate welfare. Perhaps they're the children of defense contractors, or the children of the people who authored the legislation behind farm subsidies. I haven't figured out where these people come from, but I've started to get a good grasp on the sorts of ideas they like.

A popular idea that I hear often is the one that was recently parroted by Michelle Obama here:

We've talked to mothers whose salaries can't cover the cost of groceries - but if they take a second job, they can't afford childcare. More than 22 million working women don't have paid sick days. Millions of women are doing the same jobs as men but they're earning less.


This sort of populist crap should infuriate every [remaining] thinking person. I'm starting to believe Michelle Obama really isn't proud of her country, and that's why she advocates ideas that are going to drive the US into the ground.

1) Why doesn't anyone ask why these poor people are having kids that they can't afford? Isn't that a bigger problem? Isn't excess supply of humans what contributes to the scarcity of health care, childcare, and the abundance of carbon in an over-heating, globally-warming liberal world? Poor people who make bad decisions probably shouldn't have kids. The practice should be shunned via recital of a slogan similar to Nancy Reagan's anti-drug campaign in the 80s: JUST SAY NO [to kids].

This society needs to get over the idea that every mistake is a special gift from God. A just God wouldn't create unnecessary tax burdens on other people unless he eliminated scarcity from his world. I know God wouldn't create tax burdens because I have a relationship with Jesus too, and he says your kid ain't special.

2) If women were getting paid less to do the same work, what sane employer wouldn't hire more women? I know I would. If I ran some free enterprise that had to compete with labor in China, I'd look for every cost edge I could possibly get. In a free market, women would get hired and be in demand purely based on cost. Over the long run, the price advantage of women to men would narrow. It's ridiculous to state that the vast majority of employers simply want to discriminate against women. I think it's much more reasonable to suggest that women probably don't do the same work "for less pay", or cause enough problems so as to warrant "different pricing."

What Michelle Obama is doing is what democrats do best: create people who perceive themselves as victims.

Neocons and liberals aren't the solution to the problem -- they ARE the problem.

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